Rainbow Trex

Trex Brachiosaurus Cat TurboFish

Rainbow Dino Lesbian Dino Gay Dino Trans Dino Enby Dino Inter Dino Bisexual Dino Bigender Dino Biromantic Dino Pan Dino Agender Dino Aro Dino Ace Dino Demiromanitc Dino Demisexual Dino Demigirl Dino Demiboy Dino Demigender Dino Fluid Dino Queer Dino Polyamorous Dino Polysexual Dino Grey Dino Omni Dino Questioning Dino

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Brachiosaurus and Trex are besties. Brachiosaurus uses their long neck to slurp delicious noodles. They feed Trex, since Trex can't reach their noodles with their short arms. They both take care of their small cat, with whom they play all day. Sometimes they go on a hike. When cat is tired, they sleep on Trex's back while being carried. Brachiosaurus makes sure they don't fall off. Cat smiles as they watch the shimmering colors of Trex's scales shift in hue. They let out a little yawn and blink once, slowly, before falling asleep.